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WTF email invitations?

We've tried to distill the wedding down to things that really mattered to us: friends, food, photos, and legally tying the knot. Turns out neither of us cares much about floral arrangements or fancy invitations, but we did want our geographically diverse friends to have the opportunity to come visit if they wanted to, so we're using the money to help pay for flights and gas and whatnot so that hopefully coming to visit won't be such a hard choice. If you'd like some help, please ask!

In case you're curious: There will be two physical wedding invitations printed and mailed for our grandmothers. For everyone else, yes that email you got was the real invite, and yes we realize we're probably breaking a lot of etiquette rules but friends are more important than paper, sorry!

WTF why the backyard?

We have 2 acres and it's pretty nice here in the summer, so why not?